Community Garden
Group size: Solo
Dates: Spring 2017
Role: game mechanics, art, server-client, real time multiplayer
Summary: A cooperative online gardening game. Users can plant seeds,
which can be watered by any user in the room. Watering plants makes them grow over time
and also gives users "Karma" which is used as a currency. In a final version of the game
Karma would also be purchasable through microtransactions, represented here by the buttons
at the bottom.
The Opportune King
Group size: 5
Dates: Spring 2016
Role: core mechanics, card development, balance, playtesting
Summary: A tabletop card game where players compete for influence in an
attempt to place themselves on the throne. Each player is assigned a secret role at the
beginning of the game that describes their goals, which they can work towards by playing cards.